Monday, March 7, 2011

What is Pride?

Mark Driscoll, in a recent message in his Luke series, put together a test to how much pride is relevant in our lives.
Last week in Fight we started our series Pride: Man's Greatest Enemy. We had each one of the guys take the test to see if they are proud.
Take the test to see how you score.

1.       Do you long for a lot of attention?
2.       Do you become jealous or critical of people who succeed?
3.       Do you always have to win?
4.       Do you have a pattern of lying?
5.       Do you have a hard time acknowledging you were wrong?
6.       Do you have a lot of conflicts with other people?
7.       Do you cut in line in the store, freeway, etc…
8.       Do you get upset when people do not honor your achievements?
9.       Do you tend more toward an attitude of entitlement or thankfulness?
10.    Do you honestly feel you are basically a good person and superior to others?

If you scored 1-10 then you are proud.
If you scored 0 then you are very proud.

Pride is very relevant in our everyday lives. The hard part is trying to identify where pride is most relevant and how we can defeat it.
During the next couple months we are going to be digging deeper into the question of What is Pride?