Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dug Down Deep

 I think I can say that I am like Jim Donahue when I say I am not very good at reading books. Its never been a passion of mine and I never have had a great desire to read, no matter what the book was about. But this book was different. It was the first book I have ever finished (Or at least that it is the first one I can actually remember finishing). I am beginning my journey to complete reading 25 books this year, hopefully 2 a month. I am behind but this is the first installment. 1 down......24 to go!

The book is Dug Down Deep, Josh Harris's 5th book (Kissed Dating Goodbye, Boy meets girl, Stop dating the church, Not even a hint: Sex is not the problem lust is) and I think his best. He has a very different way of writing but that is why he draws you in. The book is on Understanding Doctrine: Why it matters and Why I believe it. I love this book because you get to see who Josh Harris really is and how far he has come in his walk and how God has been there through many idiotic decisions. His words really spoke to me because I could relate at times with the decisions he decided to make and how horrible they were BUT God used it for his good and showed him his weakness and where he needed to pursue God more. 

I would recommend this book to any male for it has alot of application points we all can be making in our lives and though he isn't perfect, Josh has a strong passion to teach others about the saving power of Christ. I was strongly encouraged by reading this book and think anyone who has ever been through a rebellious stage in their life (if you haven't, i think it will encourage you as well) will benefit greatly from this book.

This is an exert out of the book that was really encouraging to me.

              "The message of Christian orthodoxy isn't that I'm right and someone else is wrong. It's that I am wrong and yet God is filled with grace. I am wrong, and yet God has made a way for me to be forgiven and accepted and loved for eternity. I am wrong, and yet God gave his Son, Jesus, to die IN MY PLACE and receive my punishment. I am wrong, but through fiaht in Jesus, I can be made right before a holy God.
              This is the gospel. This is the truth that all Christian doctrine celebrates. This is the truth that every follower of Jesus Christ is called to cherish and preserve. Even die for. It is the only truth on which we can build our lives and rest our eternal hope."

This is the new challenge for my life. Look back at the doctrine I have learned for so many years and turn it into application for my life. Look for ways to take the scripture and use them to their full potential to truly shape and guard my life. Use his Word as the guide for my decisions and actions. This has always been a desire in my life and I have been pursuing it but God is calling us all to step up, our name has been called and we need to be ready to take a stand for him. 

One last thing I will add that the book does say is that we all should be asking people more of their testimonies. 1. Because we all need to be reminding ourselves about what Christ has done for us on the Cross and how God has saved us from sin and this world. 2. We will grow stronger with other believers just by seeing where each other has been at. So ask someone. It doesn't matter how old they are. "If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. We are all brothers and sisters through Christ so find out others journey. You will be encouraged. So try it.

Read the book! Its amazing! I loved it and think you will too!